Shoulder Strength: What Really Matters (Recording)

Shoulder Strength: What Really Matters (Recording)


Learn about the specifics of the shoulder and how it pertains to your training during this 3-hour online recording. This course is an in-depth analysis of anatomy, biomechanics, and research on optimally training the shoulder for sports performance. This is a “no b.s.” course that will use the current science to teach you what matters and what likely is a waste of your time with training. In the first section, we will discuss the hardware of the shoulder (bones, muscles, and ligaments). The second section will discuss your software (nervous system and motor control theory). In the final section, we will discuss training and how to build a robust shoulder girdle.

The supplemental material for this course will consist of exercise templates and a video library to ensure you understand how to train the shoulder specifically for climbing. If you’re curious about how to train the shoulder comprehensively, this course is for you. Once you purchase the course, you will get access to a google drive with the course recordings and supplemental material. Feel free to watch it as many times as you’d like!

On the date and time listed in the course title, we will host a live Q&A on the course. This is the time for you to bring any questions about the material. Each participant will be emailed a zoom link before the listed time.

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