Understanding Elbow Pain (recording) + 4 months of self-guided programming

Understanding Elbow Pain (recording) + 4 months of self-guided programming


This 3-hour course recording is designed to educate participants on the current research on repetitive stress injuries (RSIs) around the elbow. Golfers elbow, Tennis elbow, and Climber’s elbow are discussed at length.

This course was delivered remotely, and the recording is available upon purchase.

Topics covered include:

  • The anatomy of the elbow and the most common locations for pain.

  • What does your pain mean, and how reflective is it of tissue injury?

  • What are the most common underlying causes, and should you stop training?

  • What treatment options do you have, and how long should it take to get better?

  • Updated application of strength and power training on muscle and connective tissues.

The course includes many research citations on etiology, treatment, and how to self-manage these complaints.

You will also get access to a 4-month training progression to help guide you through what a training process with elbow pain looks like.

This training progression will come as an app you download with workouts, video examples, and climbing.

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